Libster Award


  • Acknowledge the blog that nominated you, link it to your post and display the award.
  • Answer 11 questions that the blog gives you.
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs you think deserve the Liebster Award.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.
  • Write the rules in your Liebster Award blog post.
  • Let the blogs know about your post and that you have nominated them.


Thank you so much to Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I am still a new blog of about 5 months. I want to express my gratitude for all of my followers and those who have supported me.



1. What is your favorite childhood book? Was there one in particular that made you fall in love with reading?

Harry Potter is my favorite childhood book. It made me fall in love with reading from an early age. In middle school, both the Twilight series and the Mortal Instruments series encouraged my passion for books.

2. If you could do an interview for your blog with any author, who would you choose and why?

Sarah J. Maas. I love all of her books. She is my favorite auto-buy author. Her stories are amazing. It would be amazing to talk to her about the worlds she has created and about her writing process.

3.  Have you ever hated a book that everyone else loved?  If so, which book and what didn’t you like about it?

Yes. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I picked this book up, read a few pages, and then put it back down. I simply could not get into it. 

4.  What made you decide to become a book blogger and what have you learned along the way so far?

I love books and reading. Yep, shocking huh? I created this blog to share my opinions and talk with others about literature. This blog is also to connect with other bloggers, authors, and publishers to learn more about publishing, since that is the career I hope to go into. I have learned a lot about interacting with others, being social. I’m learning to put myself out there. 

5.  Aside from blogging and reading, what are some of your other hobbies?

Knitting, crocheting, writing, watching TV.

6.  Who is your least favorite fictional character? What do you dislike about the character?

Joffrey Baratheon. Need I say more?

7.  If you could choose to live anywhere else in the world aside from where you are now, where would you choose and why?

I’m not sure I would choose to leave where I am now. As much as I hate the winter season where I live, I love my hometown.

8.  What is the last book that made you cry?

The Fault in Our Stars. Both the book and the movie made me bawl my eyes out. John Green really knows how to toy with a reader’s emotions.

9.  What is your beverage of choice?

Coca-cola. Yes, I know it’s really bad for you. However, it is my go-to choice of drink for most meals, especially when I’m in a restaurant.

10. What are your favorite reads of 2016 so far?

11.  What is your favorite movie that was adapted from a book?

Harry Potter. This may be cheating because I answer HP for everything, but oh well! (YA Book to Movie Adaptions)



Saily @ Reading Turtle Duck

Liv @ Curly Hair Bibliophile

Marta @ The Book Mermaid – The Book Mermaid: Liebster Award

Esther @ Chapter Adventures

Alyssa @ Books Take You Places

CW @ Read, Think, Ponder


Questions for Nominees

  1. What is your favorite type of blog posts to write?
  2. What is a seriously underrated book that you love, that others should read?
  3. How many books do you usually read per year?
  4. What does your perfect reading nook consist of?
  5. What is your favorite song at this moment?
  6. What kind of snacks do you eat while you’re reading?
  7. What are some books you wish were adapted into movies?
  8. Which fictional book world would you like to live in most?
  9. What is your most and least favorite genre?
  10. What was your favorite childhood TV show?
  11. How do you choose your next read?

9 thoughts on “Libster Award

  1. Marta says:

    I usually ask for Coca-cola when I eat in restaurants too, even though I know it’s bad for me 😂 I should probably change this habit. Thank you so much for nominating me ❤


  2. thebookishlibra says:

    Haha, I can’t stand Joffrey either. Loved your answers to all of the questions. I’m also glad to see I’m not the only one who answers Harry Potter for most questions. What an amazing series that is 🙂


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